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by Angilie Kapoor Manage Employee Personalities: Tips for First-Time and Struggling Managers Managing the various personalities of one’s staff can be one of the biggest challenges that a first-time or struggling manager can face. As a healthcare administration/management graduate, I expected that I would have been equipped with the necessary skills to manage my staff […]

How to Manage Employee Personalities: Tips for First-Time and Struggling Managers


September 24, 2023

The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success | Angilie Kapoor Oversight global

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First-time or struggling managers, listen up! I know that transitioning from being an employee to being a manager can be a daunting task. Not only is it a different focus, approach and perspective; it also triggers some serious internal challenges such as self-doubt, negative self-talk, and fear. If it sounds like I’ve been in your […]

The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success


September 18, 2023

Understanding the Conscious and Subconscious Minds for Managers to Develop a Leader Mindset Angilie Kapoor Oversight global

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by Angilie Kapoor As human beings, we often delude ourselves into thinking that we are in full control of our thoughts and actions. However, the reality is that our minds run on autopilot, acting like a computer program when it comes to our habits, thought patterns, and beliefs. In fact, research suggests that up to […]

Understanding the Conscious and Subconscious Minds for Managers to Develop a Leader Mindset


September 9, 2023

Mastering the Hats of Leadership: A Guide to Navigating Leadership Expectations

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Leadership is a critical element in any organization or community, and leaders are expected to possess various skills and abilities to help them accomplish their tasks effectively. However, many leaders often feel lost, wondering what is expected of them and what their priorities should be, especially when they are newly appointed to a leadership position. […]

Mastering the Hats of Leadership: A Guide to Navigating Leadership Expectations

Recognizing the Chains Holding Back Your Leader Potential to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

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As a leader, your mindset plays a crucial role in determining the level of success you achieve. Often, mindset challenges and limiting beliefs prevent you from reaching your full leadership potential. These self-limiting beliefs may be roadblocks that impede your personal growth and the progress of your team or organization. In this article, we will […]

Recognizing the Chains Holding Back Your Leader Potential to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

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