The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success | Angilie Kapoor Oversight global

First-time or struggling managers, listen up! I know that transitioning from being an employee to being a manager can be a daunting task. Not only is it a different focus, approach and perspective; it also triggers some serious internal challenges such as self-doubt, negative self-talk, and fear. If it sounds like I’ve been in your shoes before, you’re right!  And I’m here to tell you that from my experience, mindset is the key to overcoming your current struggles as well as unlocking your potential as a leader.

But hold on a second, what is ‘mindset’ anyway? Don’t worry, I had no idea what mindset was when I first learned about it either! Well, mindset essentially refers to the set of beliefs, attitudes, and values that shape how you think, feel, and act. It’s the lens through which you view the world and it can have a profound impact on your effectiveness as a manager. You see, your mindset affects how you approach challenges, how you interact with your team, and even whether or not you believe in yourself and in your abilities as a manager.

And that’s why it’s so important to focus on cultivating what is called a positive and growth-oriented mindset. As a manager, you have a lot of responsibilities and decisions to make. You need to be able to handle stress, communicate effectively, and motivate your team. But if you’re constantly battling your own negative self-talk and self-doubt, it’s going to be much harder to be an effective manager much less transition into becoming an empowering leader.

I understand that being a first-time or struggling manager can be overwhelming. You’re trying to prove yourself, gain respect from your team, and juggle a million responsibilities. It’s no wonder that many managers struggle with things like decision-making, imposter syndrome, and wanting to be liked and respected. But here’s the thing, your mindset can either hold you back or propel you forward.

One of the biggest challenges with mindset is dealing with your inner critic. You know, that voice inside your head that tells you you’re not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough. The inner critic can be particularly challenging for managers because you’re constantly making decisions and taking risks. But here’s the truth, your inner critic is a liar. You are capable of great things, but you need to learn how to quiet that pesky little voice and replace it with self-compassion and self-belief.


The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success | Angilie Kapoor Oversight global , Leader Mindset

Find Out How Your Mind is Working Against You as a Manager and How You Can Harness the Power of Your Mind to Unlock Your Leader Potential. Grab Your Copy of My New Book Today!

Another challenge with mindset is the auto-pilot programming of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like the computer that runs in the background of your brain. It’s responsible for things like breathing, heartbeat, and even your habits. But here’s the thing, your subconscious mind is also responsible for your beliefs and attitudes. And oftentimes, those beliefs and attitudes are deeply ingrained and can be difficult to change. But with the right tools and techniques, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to support a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

Now, I know that a lot of people don’t truly understand the power of mindset. They think it’s just some fluffy, “woo-woo” concept that doesn’t have any real impact on their lives. But let me tell you, mindset is the foundation upon which success is built. If you don’t believe in yourself, if you don’t have a growth-oriented attitude, then you’re going to get stuck. You’re not going to be able to overcome obstacles, you’re not going to be able to inspire and motivate your team, and you’re not going to be able to achieve your goals.

So, my dear managers, I implore you to focus on learning more about mindset and particularly how your own mindset is hindering you and working against you in your efforts as a manager. Don’t let your inner critic hold you back, and don’t let the auto-pilot programming of your subconscious mind keep you stuck. Instead, dive deep into your mindset and begin to realize the leader you were born to be.

And speaking of diving deep into mindset, I’ve just released my brand-new book, “Leader Mindset Activation,” which is all about unlocking your leader potential through the power of mindset. In this book, I walk you through my three-phase methodology – Awaken!, Activate!, and Harness the Power! – to help you transform your mindset and achieve your full potential as a leader. So, if you’re ready to dominate your mindset instead of letting it dominate you, be sure to check it out.

In conclusion, mindset is the key to unlocking your potential as a manager. It affects how you approach challenges, how you interact with your team, and even whether or not you believe in yourself. Yes, it can be challenging to deal with your inner critic and the auto-pilot programming of your subconscious mind, but with the right tools and techniques, you can cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset. So, what are you waiting for? Start diving deep into your mindset today!

And hey, don’t forget to share this blog post with your fellow struggling managers!


The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success | Angilie Kapoor Oversight global , Leader Mindset

Find Out How Your Mind is Working Against You as a Manager and How You Can Harness the Power of Your Mind to Unlock Your Leader Potential. Grab Your Copy of My New Book Today!

The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success

September 18, 2023

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