Understanding the Conscious and Subconscious Minds for Managers to Develop a Leader Mindset Angilie Kapoor Oversight global

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by Angilie Kapoor As human beings, we often delude ourselves into thinking that we are in full control of our thoughts and actions. However, the reality is that our minds run on autopilot, acting like a computer program when it comes to our habits, thought patterns, and beliefs. In fact, research suggests that up to […]

Understanding the Conscious and Subconscious Minds for Managers to Develop a Leader Mindset


September 9, 2023

4 Key Differences Between External & Internal Leaders: Which Approach Will Take You to the Top? | effective coaches Angelie Kapoor Oversight global

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Leadership is one of the most interesting and elusive concepts that we, as a society, grapple with on a regular basis. In essence, leadership is a perfect blend of strategy, emotional intelligence, and psychology. There are many different types of leadership that have been identified over the years, but today I want to focus on […]

4 Key Differences Between External & Internal Leaders: Which Approach Will Take You to the Top?


August 18, 2023

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