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In the grand tapestry of human existence, we are intricately woven into the very fabric of our self-identity. It dictates the narratives we craft about our lives, influencing every action and reaction. From our most profound decisions to the minute details of our everyday interactions, self-identity stands as a guiding beacon. But what is self-identity, […]

Exploring Self-Identity: A Journey of Personal Growth


February 29, 2024

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When life accelerates with the pace of a high-speed train—between boardroom meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and a social calendar filled with commitments—the concept of self-care can seem elusive, if not downright impractical. However, if you’re an entrepreneur juggling the demands of your growing business, a working parent managing the household, or any busy professional chasing career […]

Self-Care: The Elusive Yet Critical Component for Health, Success & Fulfillment


February 11, 2024

Lessons on Servant Leadership 5 Tips for First-Time Managers

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by Angilie Kapoor Importance of Servant Leadership 5 Tips for First-Time Managers As a first-time manager, the responsibility of leading a team can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel like you need to assert your authority and lead from the top-down. However, this approach can often create a disconnect between you and your team, leading […]

Lessons on Servant Leadership 5 Tips for First-Time Managers


October 15, 2023

4 Key Differences Between External & Internal Leaders: Which Approach Will Take You to the Top? | effective coaches Angelie Kapoor Oversight global

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Leadership is one of the most interesting and elusive concepts that we, as a society, grapple with on a regular basis. In essence, leadership is a perfect blend of strategy, emotional intelligence, and psychology. There are many different types of leadership that have been identified over the years, but today I want to focus on […]

4 Key Differences Between External & Internal Leaders: Which Approach Will Take You to the Top?

self-awareness, personal development | Develop Your Leadership Consciousness with this Practical Take on the Hierarchy of Needs

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Leadership is not just a title. It’s a way of being that requires constant growth and evolution. Great leaders are not just born; they are made through self-awareness, personal development, and a willingness to shed their fears and restrictions to become true visionaries. That’s where Leadership Consciousness comes into play. Richard Barrett, the founder of […]

Develop Your Leadership Consciousness with this Practical Take on the Hierarchy of Needs

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