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by Angilie Kapoor Manage Employee Personalities: Tips for First-Time and Struggling Managers Managing the various personalities of one’s staff can be one of the biggest challenges that a first-time or struggling manager can face. As a healthcare administration/management graduate, I expected that I would have been equipped with the necessary skills to manage my staff […]

How to Manage Employee Personalities: Tips for First-Time and Struggling Managers


September 24, 2023

The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success | Angilie Kapoor Oversight global

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First-time or struggling managers, listen up! I know that transitioning from being an employee to being a manager can be a daunting task. Not only is it a different focus, approach and perspective; it also triggers some serious internal challenges such as self-doubt, negative self-talk, and fear. If it sounds like I’ve been in your […]

The Surprising Link Between a Managers Mindset and Their Success


September 18, 2023

How To Know if You’re a Manager or a Leader: The Real Differences & Qualities Between Them | Angelie Kapoor Oversight global

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Are you a manager or a leader? Let me tell you something – they are not one and the same! Despite popular belief, managers and leaders are quite different. This question may seem simple, but the answer can reveal a lot about your approach to both your personal and professional life. While both roles involve […]

How To Know if You’re a Manager or a Leader: The Real Differences & Qualities Between Them


August 26, 2023

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